Thursday, June 26, 2008

observe pasti mengerunkan..

bila nafsu sudah mengawal diri....

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Celcom yg di kutuk jugak bagi minyak free...alhamdullilah

Akhir keperihatinan Celcom terhadap penguna malaysia ter balas gak... rasanya ada juga yang nak haramkan atau pertikaikan niat baik ni kot.. biasala pengendali lain bila sakit hati nak tgk Celcom maju agaknya diorg lebih suka tgk Celcom jatuh.. syabas celcom...

dan yang tak akan naik harga...

cepat cepat abg abag kakak dan makcik pakcik ... sila hubungi saya.. rasanya masih ada tempat lagi tuk anak anak abg akak makcik dan pakcik....huhuhu :)

Bila semua harag barang meningkat...sedeynyer

ehm ni la kot akan terjadi kat opis kita.,....:(

Monday, June 16, 2008

Tragic Love Story

Should watch this !!! specially dedicated to all of you kawan yang amat ku know who you are...

Friday, June 13, 2008

hipokrasikah kita....?

Saya amat tertarik bila membaca laporan Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM) yang mengarahkan Celcom Mobile Sdn Bhd supaya menghentikan peraduan “Celcom 100 Hari 100 Kereta” susulan bantahan orang ramai. Keadaan semakin meruncing dengan pengharaman rancangan tersebut oleh Mufti baru baru ini.
Yang menjadi tanda tanya ujudnya ketidak adilan di dalam system kehidupan kita sekarang bila SKMM pula tidak mengambil tindakan dengan menghentikan penganjur rancangan Realiti TV lain? Apakah ketetapan atau garis panduan yang jelas bagi membenarkan atau mengharamkan sesuatu program. Adakah bila sesuatu program itu membangkitkan kesensitifan satu masyarakat atau kaum baru tindakkan hendak diambil. Sebelum ini ramai juga org melayu yg menyatakan ketidak puasan hati merka terhadap rancangan rancangan realiti yang ada di Malaysia tetapi tiada tindakkan yang diambil oleh mana mana pihak. Isu program yang mengalpakan masyarakat melayu sudah lama kedengaran mengapa program sebegini semakin berleluasa?

Saya tidak arif mengenai soal hukum hakam jatuh haram halalnya sesuatu rancangan yang dikendalikan oleh sesuatu syarikat. Tapi bila kita menyentuh nilai kemanusiaan rancangan sebegini jelas mengalpakan. Lihat sendiri berapa ramai masyarakat melayu yang mengundi untuk calon pemenang. Mala ada yang sanggup mengorbankan ribuan ringgit semata ingin melihat calon mereka menang. Persoalannya apa yang pengundi dapat setelah melabur puluhan, ratusan dan ribuan ringgit?

Dengan kenaikkan harga minyak yang mendadak kini lebih elok masyarakat digalakkan berjimat cermat. Haramkan terus apa jua rancangan yang boleh mengundang pembaziran baru adil buat semua masyarakat. Setidak tidaknya kita boleh membendung "budaya hipokrasi" yang sejak kebelakangan ini menular di kalangan masyarakat kita. Hendaknya segala tindakkan yang kita lakukan dalam menangani sesuatuh masalah adalah ikhlas dan jujur dan bukan disebabkan oleh faktor-faktor yang tersirat.
Sekadar renungan bersama.

PS: I suppose i send this to a news paper but i decided to post it here because i just realized that no point barking on a hill because many of us is already become the hill itself.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Long article but worth reading! I got in my email this morning which i guess the government should be rational in deciding sensitive issues especially when its come to income...

WHAT IS NEVER MENTIONED IN Mainstream Media like NST/TheStar/Utusan/BH are these facts....

Malaysian PerCapita Income USD 5000
Singaporean PerCapita Income USD 25000

Further The Star made a comparison of prices in Thailand , Singapore and Indonesia .

For Thailand it is quoted at RM3.90/liter, however are they aware that in Thailand new cars are cheaper than Malaysia by RM10,000? They pay only one life time for their driving license? No renewal fee after that? Also that goes for road tax as well? And do TheStar also aware that you can drive all the way from Hadtyai to Bangkok on a six lane highway without paying any Tolls ??!!

Whereas here in Malaysia you have to pay yearly renewal for road tax , driving license and TOLLS, TOLLS, TOLLS!!!

For Singapore how can you quote RM 5.20 ? Please quote in Singapore Dollars because they are earning in Sing Dollars. You might as well say Europeans are paying RM10/liter. RM5.20/liter = Sing $ 2.20/liter, still cheaper than Malaysia in view of fact that Singapore is not a crude oil exporter. Are you saying that you fill up petrol in Singapore by paying Ringgit?

In economy, dollar to dollar must be compared as apple to apple. Not comparing like durian in M'sia is much cheaper than durian in Japan!! Of course-lah, Japan is not durian producer!!! Comparing Malaysian durian with Thailand durian make more sense!!

For Indonesia we might say is cheaper there at RM2.07/liter but compare that to their level of income!

Now, let us compare the price with OIL PRODUCING countries:

UAE - RM1.19/litre
Eygpt - RM1.03/litre
Bahrain - RM0.87/litre
Qatar - RM0.68/litre
Kuwait - RM0.67/litre
Saudi Arabia - RM0.38/litre
Iran - RM0.35/litre
Nigeria - RM0.32/litre
Turkmenistan - RM0.25/litre
Venezuela - RM0.16/litre

MALAYSIA - RM2.70/litre

RM 2.70!!! Individual perspective:

As of last month a Toyota Vios would 'cause a damage' of about RM 89,000.
In the international market, a Toyota Vios is about USD 19,000
USD 19,000 = RM 62,700 (using the indicative rates of USD 1 = RM 3.30)
That makes Malaysian Vios owners pay an extra RM 26,300.

This RM 26,300 should be cost of operations, profit and tax because the transportation costs have been factored in to the USD 19,000.

RM 26,300/ RM625 petrol rebate per year translates to a Vios being used for 42.08 years.

I do understand that the RM 625 is a rebate given by the government, but it also means that one has to use the Vios for 42.08 years just to make back the amount paid in taxes for the usage of a foreign car. Would anyone use any kind of car for that long?

Now with these numbers in front of us, does the subsidy sound like a subsidy or does it sound like a penalty? This just seems to be a heavy increment in our daily cost of living as we are not only charged with high car taxes but also with a drastic increase in fuel price.

With all the numbers listed out, I urge all Malaysians to join me in analyzing the situation further.

Car taxation is government profit, fuel sales is Petronas' (GLC) profit which also translates into government profit. The government may ridicule us Malaysians by saying look at the world market and fuel price world wide. Please, we are Malaysians, we fought of the British, had a international port in the early centuries (Malacca), home to a racially mixed nation and WE ARE NOT STUPID!!!

We know the international rates are above the USD 130/barrel. We understand the fact that the fuel prices are increasing worldwide and we also know that major scientist are still contradicting on why this phenomenon is happening. Some blame Bush and his plunders around the world and some blame climate change and there are others which say petroleum 'wells' are getting scarce.

Again we go back to numbers to be more straight fwd

1 barrel = 159 liters x RM2.70/liter = RM 429 or USD 134

On 1 hand, we are paying the full cost of 1 barrel of crude oil with RM2.70 per liter but on the other hand the crude oil only produces 46% of fuel.

Msia sells crude oil per barrel at USD130 buys back Fuel per barrel at USD134. And not forgetting, every barrel of fuel is produced with 2 barrels of crude oil.

1 barrel crude oil = produce 46% fuel (or half of crude oil), therefore
2 barrel crude oil = approximately 1 barrel fuel
In other words, each time we sell 2 barrels of crude oil, equivalently we will buy back 1 barrel of fuel.

Malaysia sell 2 barrel crude oil @ USD 130/barrel = USD 260 = RM 858
then, Malaysia will buy back fuel @ USD 134/barrel = RM 442/barrel
Thus, Malaysia earn net extra USD 126 = RM 416 for each 2 barrel of crude sold/exported vs imported 1 barrel of fuel !!!
(USD 260-134 = USD 126 = RM416)

So where this extra USD 126/barrel income is channeled to by Malaysian Govt?????????

Another analysis:

1 barrel crude oil = 159 liters.
46-47% of a barrel of crude oil = fuel that we use in our vehicles.
46% of 159 = 73.14 liters.
@ RM 2.70/liter x 73.14 liter = RM197.48 of fuel per barrel of crude oil. This is only 46% of the barrel, mind you. Using RM 3.30 = USD 1, we get that a barrel of crude oil produces USD 59.84 worth of petrol fuel (46% of 1barrel).
USD 59.84 of USD 130/barrel turns out to be 46% of a barrel as well.

Another 54% = bitumen, kerosene, and natural gases and so many more.
And this makes a balance of USD 70.16 that has not been accounted for.

So this is where I got curious. Where is the subsidy if we are paying 46% of the price of a barrel of crude oil when the production of petrol/barrel of crude oil is still only 46%?

In actual fact, we still pay for this as they are charged in the forms of fuel surcharge by airlines and road taxes for the building of road (because they use the tar/bitumen) and many more excuse charging us but let us just leave all that out of our calculations.

As far as I know, only the politicians who live in Putrajaya and come for their Parliament meetings in Kuala Lumpur (approximately 60+ km) are the ones to gain as they claim their fuel and toll charges from the money of the RAKYAT's TAX.

It is so disappointing to see this happen time and time again to the Malaysian public, where they are deceived by the propaganda held by the politicians and the controls they have over the press.

Which stupid idiot economist equates rebates for rich or poor with the cc of the vehicles? An average office clerk may own a second hand 1300cc proton Iswara costing $7,000 (rebate = $625) while the Datuk's children can own a fleet of 10 new cars of BMW, Audi and Volvo all less than 2000cc costing $2 millions and get a total rebate of $625 x 10 = $6,250! Wow what kind of economists we are keeping in Malaysia...wonder which phD certificate that they bought from...

MY Comment:

I think government should have an open debate on the issue so that we can understand how the increased of oil price affect us. we owe an explanation.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday – Pos Malaysia Berhad (PMB) today announced that in line with yesterday’s decision made by the Government on fuel subsidy, PMB has been appointed as the agent for disbursement of this subsidy to eligible vehicle owners. Eligible Malaysians can start to claim the subsidy at all 686 post offices countrywide effective on 1 July 2008.

As announced by the Government, vehicles with valid Road Tax from 1 April 2008 until 31 March 2009 are entitled for the annual subsidy. Owners of cars up to 2,000 cc as well as pick-up trucks and jeeps up to 2,500 cc will receive RM625 for each vehicle. Motorcycles up to 250 cc will receive RM150 each.

Vehicle owners who come personally to make the claim at post offices shall be paid in cash. Those who appoint third parties to claim on their behalf shall receive the Money Order that will be mailed directly to the owner’s address that is furnished to PMB when making the claim.

Further details of the procedures and related documents required for the claim will be announced soon.

“PMB, through its extensive network of 686 post offices countrywide will be ready to serve our customers in handling the subsidy payments in a convenient and timely manner,” said Datuk Abu Huraira Abu Yazid, Acting Managing Director / Group Chief Executive Officer of PMB.

Customers are welcomed to contact PMB’s Customer Service Centre through PosLine at 1-300-300-300 (except on the 1st Saturday of the month) or visit our website at or the nearest post office should they have any enquiries or feedbacks.

Comment from viewer on Malaysia today:

Ni komen dari slah sorang pembaca Malaysia today,,,

Komen 1

Yeah, yeah, yeah. The petrol price in Malaysia is only RM2.70=US$0.84 per litre, the petrol price in Singapore is RM5=US$1.50, and in US RM4=US$1.25.

But the average income of a Singaporean is 5 times that of a Malaysian, and the average income of an American is 6 times that of a Malaysian!

(Per capita income i.e. average income for each citizen: Malaysia US$6,948, Singapore US$35,163, US US$45,845)

If a person uses 2,000 litres (typical) of petrol in a year in Malaysia, that will take up (2000x0.84)/6948= 24% of his income. But the same usage in Singapore only takes up (2000x1.50)/35,163= 8% of his income. Similarly, the same usage in the US only takes up (2000x1.25)/45,845= 5% of his income.

Is the petrol price in Malaysia still cheap?

Detail surf sendiri ke

kesian Celcom ...Apa di buat semua salah...

Peraduan tiada unsur judi - Celcom
Oleh Amran Ahmad

KUALA LUMPUR 5 Jun - Celcom (M) Bhd., (Celcom) mempertahankan tindakannya menganjurkan peraduan 100 Hari 100 Kereta kerana ia tidak mempunyai unsur perjudian seperti yang didakwa oleh beberapa pihak sebelum ini.

Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Celcom, Datuk Seri Shazalli Ramly berkata, pihaknya telah membuat kajian yang menyeluruh termasuk merujuk fatwa mengenai produk telekomunikasi sebelum memutuskan untuk menganjurkan promosi yang bukan berasaskan nasib itu.

"Jika wujud unsur-unsur perjudian atau apa juga yang haram dalam promosi Celcom, saya akan menjadi orang pertama yang akan menentang penganjuran promosi seperti itu," katanya di sini hari ini.

Semalam, Mufti Perlis, Dr. Mohd. Asri Zainul Abidin menasihatkan umat Islam tidak menyertai peraduan itu kerana ia mengandungi unsur perjudian.

Menurut beliau, peraduan itu disifatkan sebagai perjudian kerana bayaran perlu dibuat untuk menjawab setiap soalan seperti juga judi nombor ekor.

Selain Dr. Mohd. Asri, penulis blog tempatan juga turut mempertikaikan penganjuran promosi oleh Celcom itu yang dikatakan haram atas sebab yang sama.

Bagaimanapun Shazalli berkata, Celcom akan akur dengan arahan termasuk membatalkan promosi itu jika pihak berkuasa yang berkaitan memutuskan penganjuran promosi tersebut sebagai haram.

Katanya, kekeliruan mengenai konsep dan kaedah penyertaan promosi yang bukan berasaskan nasib sebaliknya kepintaran peserta promosi itu berlaku kerana wujudnya penilaian yang bukan berasaskan pengalaman dan hanya bacaan ala kadar.

Justeru, Celcom ingin mempelawa mana-mana pihak untuk melihat sendiri kaedah dan cara promosi itu dikendalikan bagi mendapatkan kefahaman sebenar mengenainya yang secara jelas tidak mengandungi unsur perjudian, tambah beliau lagi.

"Celcom memandang serius perkara ini kerana kita tidak mahu 1.5 juta pelanggan Celcom yang kebanyakannya terdiri daripada masyarakat Islam di negara ini berasa sangsi dengan promosi yang dijalankan sebelum atau selepas ini," ujarnya.

Sementara itu, beberapa ulama berpendapat peraduan tersebut tidak wajar diteruskan kerana terdapat unsur judi dan menguji nasib yang jelas ditegah oleh syarak.

Mufti Johor, Datuk Noh Gadut berkata, peraduan itu juga mempunyai unsur memberi harapan yang tinggi kepada peserta dan boleh mewujudkan rasa tidak puas hati kepada mereka yang menyertainya.

"Peraduan seperti ini amat berbahaya dan dilarang oleh syarak,'' katanya kepada Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.

Noh berkata, bagi mengelakkan wujudnya unsur perjudian itu, pihak penganjur peraduan wajar menimbang semula sensitiviti agama dalam peraduan itu.

Beliau berharap penganjur mendapatkan nasihat daripada tokoh agama untuk memastikan tidak wujud unsur yang bertentangan dengan syarak dalam peraduan itu.

Yang Dipertua Persatuan Ulama Malaysia, Datuk Sheikh Abdul Halim Abdul Kadir pula berkata, kaedah mengenakan caj kepada peserta bagi setiap penghantaran khidmat pesanan ringkas (SMS) tanpa memberi sebarang pulangan tidak dibolehkan.

Jelas beliau, ia tidak munasabah kerana walaupun penganjur menafikan tiada sebarang keuntungan tetapi peraduan itu tetap mempunyai unsur perjudian.




Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Bila Harga MInyak Naik......

Out of the blue, the government announce the sudden hike in fuel price last night.. After receiving the sms from Jai, I straight away log into the internet to confirm the news. I'm impressed with the NSTP online for their fast news reporting compare to others.

People rush to their nearest patrol stations trying to save 40% drastic increase to their "soon to be burden" monthly expenditure. Well at least a week cost saving for the remaining weeks in the half of 2008 for fuel consumption. This chaotic drama made hits the national news headline last night made me wonder what else could the government do apart from giving the cash subsidies which to me the mechanism of obtaining it is too troublesome and rigid.

Be realistic why do I have to go to the POS Malaysia for my subsidies. Didn't it ever occurs to our mind that traveling to POS Malaysia also required fuel. Typically, the process of road tax renewal start with purchasing car insurance policy, then to the bank for road tax card (if we still owe the bank) and then to JPJ or coming back to the bank the following day for road tax. Now additionally we need to go to the pos office to collect our subsidies...? God there goes my RM 50 just to settle my road tax and getting my fuel subsidies...Ain't we living in the era of IT???...By the way Malaysia was the 1st country to introduce intelligent identity card and passport.

For those who studied economic, I'm sure you know the consequences after this will be even greater with the increase of goods and services price. Yes! no doubt government says that they control the celling price of all necessity food items but not at the end product right? How effective is the mechanism of price control in the mass market is still uncertain. Ops! sorry even makcik nasi lemah knews these... if there is demand there must be supply. Thus clever supplier shall stock the control items and push the market which automatically push the government to revise the celling market.

I know we stress over the issue of fuel now, be smart and wiser dealing with our daily life. hopefully you don't become like these video..njoy it.

No Frills Airlines

Early of this year my friend and I had the opportunity to travel to Jogjakarta and Bangkok. Thanks to Air Asia for the considerately cheap air fares. I had wonderful time and most importantly safe journey. Hopefully with the hike in fuel price your fair will still be affordable. with all the excitement and joys I saw a notice pin on the check in counters that mentioning rm 5 charge for single luggage to be board in the aircraft. I laugh about it and angry at the same time..Totally beyond my expectation with the access luggages penalty is still intact. I wonder what else to come?

Hopefully not as you might seen in this video....